Unicus Non-Routine Mathematics Olympiad Class 5 Syllabus
Class 5
1. Content Domain: Physical Science
Force, Work, and Energy
- Definition and types of forces (friction, gravity, magnetism)
- Effects of force (motion, change in shape)
- Balanced and unbalanced forces
- Definition and types of energy (kinetic, potential, heat, light, sound)
- Forms of energy transformation
- States of matter (solid, liquid, gas)
- Properties of matter (mass, volume, density)
- Introduction to changes in matter (physical and chemical changes)
- Basics of separation techniques (filtration, evaporation, distillation)
Simple Machines
- Understanding of simple machines, their applications, and the scientific principles behind their operation
- Lever (first, second, and third class levers), wheel and axle, inclined plane (ramp), wedge, screw, pulley (fixed, movable, and block and tackle)
- Everyday tools and machines utilizing simple machines
Light and Shadows
- Properties of light
- Objects as transparent, translucent, and opaque; features of each type of object
- Formation of shadows in day, night, and dim light
- Conditions for formation of shadows, solar eclipse, and shadows
Sound and Noise
- Properties of sound
- Sounds made by common objects (clock, whistle, tea kettle, cookies pan, call bell, flute, etc.)
- Sound made by living beings: plants, animals, human beings
- Pleasant and unpleasant sounds, warning sounds (fire alarm, ambulance siren)
- Harmful effects of loud noise (vehicle, loudspeaker, firecracker)
- Ways to reduce noise pollution
2. Content Domain: Life Science
Animal Diversity
- Animal classification by traits: body covering, feeding habits, breathing organs, movement
- Habitats and adaptations of animals
- Life cycles of different animals
Plant Growth and Reproduction
- Plant growth and life cycle
- Plant reproduction, pollination, seed dispersal
Human Body: Circulatory and Skeletal System
- Parts of the circulatory system, heart structure and function, process of circulation, arteries, veins, capillaries, function of blood
- Skeletal system: bones, importance of bones, muscles, and joints for body functions, major bones of the body (arms, legs, chest bone, skull, jawbone, backbone)
- Structure and care of bones and joints, food items to strengthen bones, skull, ribcage, backbone, limbs, movable and immovable joints, muscles, and movement
Food and Health
- Components of a balanced diet, importance of eating a balanced diet
- Junk food: meaning and examples, adverse effects of eating junk food
- Ways to make diet healthier (e.g., sprouting, fermentation)
- Diseases related to food habits, lifestyle (obesity, anemia, diabetes, blood pressure); symptoms and prevention in non-technical terms
- Deficiency diseases: common deficiency diseases (kwashiorkor, marasmus, night blindness, anemia, rickets, scurvy, beriberi, goiter); prevention
- Meaning of food adulteration; examples of common adulterants (awareness level only)
3. Content Domain: Environmental Science
Rocks as Natural Resources
- Understanding of different rock types, formation processes, and their various uses in daily life
- Rock cycle and its role in shaping the earth
- Classification of rocks based on their use as sources of metals, non-metals, and fossil fuels
Ecosystems and Interdependence
- Understanding ecosystems and their components
- Interdependence of organisms in ecosystems
- Human impact on ecosystems and conservation
Natural Calamities
- Foundational understanding of natural calamities, their causes, and their impact on earth's systems and human life