Classic Section:
Numerals, Number Name and Number Sense
- Numbers and numeration
- To write number name for numeral and vice versa (Up to 5-digits)
- Place value and face value
- Indian place value chart
- International place value chart
- Comparison of numbers
- Rounding off the numbers (Nearest 10, 100 and 1000)
Roman Numerals
- To convert roman numeral into number (Up to 500)
- Write roman numeral for number
Computations Operations
- Addition and subtraction (Up to 5-digits)
- Properties of addition and subtraction
- Addition and subtraction using estimation
- Multiplication and division (By 3-digit number)
- Properties of multiplication and division
- Estimation of product and quotient
- Factors and multiples
- Definition of Even, odd, prime and co-prime numbers
- Rules of divisibility by 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 10 and 11
- To find factors and multiples of numbers
- LCM and HCF
- Closed plane figures (Triangle, rectangle, square, rhombus and parallelogram)
- 3 Dimensional figures (Cube, Cuboid, Sphere, cone and Cylinder)
- Line segment, ray, line and angles
- Circle and terms related to circle (Centre, radius, diameter, chord and circumference of the circle)
- Fraction
- Definition of fraction
- Types of fractions (Like, unlike, proper, improper, unit, mixed and equivalent fraction)
- Ordering fraction
- Comparison of fractions
- Fractions with same numerators
- Fractions with same denominators
- Fractions with different numerators and denominators
- Conversions
- Converting a mixed fraction into an improper fraction
- Converting an improper fraction into a mixed number
- Operations of fractional numbers
- Addition/subtraction and multiplication of like/unlike and improper fractions
- Addition/subtraction of a whole number and a fractional number
- Properties of addition and subtraction of fractions
- Use of fractions in daily life
Measurements: Length, Mass, Capacity and Volume
- Length
- Conversions of mm-cm-dm-m-km and vice versa
- Addition and subtraction of length
- Multiplication and division of length
- Mass
- Conversion of units (mg-g-kg)
- Addition and subtraction of weight
- Capacity and Volume
- Conversion of units (ml-l-kl)
- Addition and subtraction of capacity
- Multiplication and subtraction of capacity
Measurements of Time
- Time notations
- Time calculations
- Conversions of time
- Day, week, month and year
- Duration of time
- Calculation of days
Measurements of Money
- Converting rupees into paise and vice versa
- Addition and subtraction of money
- Multiplication and division of money
Geometry: Perimeter and Area of Various Shapes
- Perimeter of triangle, square and rectangle
- Area of triangle, square and rectangle
Data Handling and Symmetry
- Definition of data
- Bar graph, pictograph and pie chart
- Line of symmetry and mirror image
Scholar Section:
Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Classic Section
Sample Papers of Unicus Global Mathematics Olympiad for Class 3:
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