Unicus Global Science Olympiad Class 5 Syllabus
Class 5
1. Content Domain: Number
Number Sense
- Number names (6-digit number)
- Successor and predecessor of a number
- Rounding off a number (tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands)
- Multiples and factors
Computation Operations
- Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of 6-digit and 7-digit numbers (Questions based on BODMAS)
- Types of fractions: proper fractions, improper fractions, unit fractions, mixed fractions, like fractions, and unlike fractions
- Addition and subtraction of unlike fractions
- Problems on addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions
- Equivalent fractions
- Representations of decimals (words, numbers, and models)
- Add, subtract, and multiply with fractions and decimals, and divide fractions and decimals by a whole number
- Decimal division
Expressions, Equations, and Relationships
- Missing number or operation in a number sentence
- Form expressions or equations as per the problem
2. Content Domain: Measurement
- Units of length
- Conversion from one unit to another
- Word problems based on lengths
- Units of weight
- Conversion from one unit to another
- Word problems based on weights
- Units of capacity
- Conversion from one unit to another
- Word problems based on capacity
- Difference between capacity and volume
- Units of time
- Conversion from one unit to another
- Calendar-related problems
- Units of temperature
- Conversion from one unit to another
- Word problems based on temperature
3. Content Domain: Geometry
- Types of angles: acute angle, obtuse angle, right angle, straight angle, complete angle
- Recognize 1-dimensional shapes (point, line, line-segment, ray)
- Recognize 2-dimensional shapes (quadrilaterals: square, rectangle, rhombus, etc.)
- Recognize 3-dimensional shapes (solids: cone, cylinder, cube, etc.)
- Lines of symmetry
- Types of symmetry: translational symmetry, rotational symmetry
- Centre of rotation
- Order of rotational symmetry
4. Content Domain: Mensuration
Area and Perimeter
- Perimeter of basic 2-D shapes (square, rectangle, triangle) and irregular shapes
- Area of 2-dimensional shapes (square, rectangle)
- Area and perimeter of combined figures
5. Content Domain: Data Handling
Data Handling
- Understanding basic terminologies: data, raw data, organized data
- Data and graphs: bar graphs, line graphs, pie charts (interpret the graph and answer the questions)
- Finding mean, mode, median, and range of the non-grouped data