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Unicus Global Mathematics Olympiad Class KG Sample Paper

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1. Content Domain: Number

Number Sense

  1. Number names (1 to 20)
  2. Understand the use of words before, after, and between (numbers up to 20)
  3. Step counting of 2, 3, 5 starting from any number (numbers up to 50)

Number Operations

  1. Addition and subtraction (1-digit numbers)
  2. Comparison of numbers (<, >, =)

2. Content Domain: Time and Money


  1. Days of the week
  2. Months of the year
  3. Telling the time


  1. Coin values
  2. Currency notes

3. Content Domain: Geometry


  1. Identification and matching (circle, square, rectangle, triangle, semi-circle, oval, cube, cuboid, sphere, star, etc.)


  1. Long and short
  2. Tall and short
  3. Light and heavy
  4. Wide and narrow
