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Unicus Global Mathematics Olympiad Class 3 Sample Paper

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1. Content Domain: Number

Number Sense

  1. Number names (international system) 4-digit numbers
  2. Natural numbers, odd, and even numbers
  3. Comparison of numbers
  4. Arranging the numbers in ascending and descending order

Computation Operations

  1. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division


  1. Types of fractions: proper fractions, improper fractions, unit fractions, mixed fractions, like fractions, and unlike fractions
  2. Lowest form of fraction (simplest form)
  3. Equivalent fractions
  4. Addition of like fractions

2. Content Domain: Measurement


  1. Addition and subtraction of lengths (millimetre, centimetre, metre, kilometre)
  2. Conversion from one unit to another, word problems


  1. Addition and subtraction of mass (grams, kilograms)
  2. Conversion from one unit to another, word problems


  1. Addition and subtraction of volume (litres, millilitres, and kilolitres)
  2. Conversion from one unit to another, word problems


  1. Word problems related to addition or subtraction of temperature
  2. Reading temperature from the thermometer (units: Celsius (°C), Fahrenheit (°F), Kelvin (K))

3. Content Domain: Time and Money


  1. Reading the time from the clock
  2. Word problems related to finding the time duration
  3. Writing the time in 12-hour format and 24-hour format
  4. Conversion from one unit to another (basic)


  1. Unit conversion of money (US dollar to cents, Great British pound to pennies)
  2. Word problems based on money

4. Content Domain: Geometry

Lines and Angles

  1. Types of lines, and recognising parallel and perpendicular lines
  2. Types of angles


  1. Recognising 2-dimensional shapes
  2. Recognising 3-dimensional shapes

5. Content Domain: Data Handling

Data Handling

  1. Types of graphs: pictographs, bar graphs, pie charts
  2. Interpreting the graph
