Unicus Global Science Olympiad Class 2 Syllabus
Class 2
1. Content Domain: Number
Number Sense
- Number names (International system) 3-digit numbers
- Odd and even numbers
- Comparison of numbers
Computation Operations
- Questions based on addition, subtraction, and multiplication of 2-digit numbers
- Number pattern: finding the trend in the pattern to find the missing value
- Pattern based on different shapes
2. Content Domain: Measurement
- Addition and subtraction of lengths (millimetre, centimetre, metre, kilometre)
- Addition and subtraction of mass (grams, kilograms)
- Addition and subtraction of volume (millilitres, litres, kilolitres)
- Temperature measurement units (Celsius (°C), Fahrenheit (°F))
- Reading temperature from the thermometer
- Problems based on addition or subtraction of temperature
3. Content Domain: Time and Money
- Reading the time from the clock
- Identifying a.m. and p.m.
- Finding the time duration as per the word problem
- Units of time
- Writing the time in 12-hour format and 24-hour format
- Basic unit conversion (US dollar to cents, Great British pound to pennies)
- Word problems involving money (same units): addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
4. Content Domain: Geometry
- Lines: types of lines, counting of straight lines
- Shapes: common geometric shapes, one-dimensional (1D) shapes, two-dimensional (2D) shapes
- Solids: three-dimensional (3D) or solid shapes (cube, cuboid, cone, cylinder)
5. Content Domain: Data Handling
Data Handling
- Pictograph: interpret the graph and answer the questions